воскресенье, 12 февраля 2017 г.

Articles with infinitives

Good evening, girls! I hope I've done it right. Please, look through and write, if I have any mistakes.  

1. Restricted Spyware Used to Hack Advocates of Mexico’s Soda Tax(https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/11/technology/hack-mexico-soda-tax-advocates.html?_r=0)

1. One said his daughter had been in a serious accident. Another claimed to be from a friend whose father had died — with a link to funeral details.( claimed to be – NPA, infinitive as a part of complex object)
2. But it is for government agents to decide whom they will and will not hack with spying tools that can trace a target’s every phone call, text message, email, keystroke, location, sound and sight.( for government agents to decide – NPA, for + to infinitive construction.)
3. The timing of the hacking coincided with a planned effort by advocacy organizations and health researchers — including Dr. Barquera, Mr. Calvillo and Mr. Encarnación — to coordinate a mass media campaign to build support for doubling the soda tax, an effort that stalled in Mexico’s Congress in November. ( to coordinate – NPA, infinitive as attribute; to build – NPA, infinitive as an adverbial modifier of purpose)

Is This the Underground Everest?(http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/03/dark-star-deepest-cave-climbing-uzbekistan/)

1. The cold blackness swallows the light of our headlamps just a few feet from our heads, forcing us to move like moles, scuttling, slithering, feeling our way along hundreds of feet of stiff, mud-caked ropes that help guide us through myriad passages known in caving argot as “squeezes,” “meanders,” and “shafts.”( to move – NPA, infinitive as a part of complex object)
2. I’m accustomed to moving across dangerous terrain, but down here printed maps are often useless, GPS doesn’t work, and there are no celestial guides to offer reassurance. (to offer – NPA, infinitive as an attribute.)
 3.In the deep valleys between we could see a hodgepodge of small villages where Tajiks and Uzbeks have lived for centuries, herding goats and harvesting watermelons, plums, apples, and walnuts and fetching water from springs fed by the underground rivers that perforate these mountains.(see -  bare infinitive as a part of a compound verbal modal predicate).

3. How good journalists can face down fake newsmongers. John Naughton(https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/12/good-journalists-face-down-fake-newsmongers-donald-trump-sean-spicer)

1.Let us pause for a moment to mourn the passing of Hans Rosling (pause – bare infinitive, infinitive as a part of complex object; to mourn – NPA, infinitive as an adverbial modifier of purpose)
2. … he was such a fervent believer in the idea that we could find illumination, if not salvation, in facts.( find -  bare infinitive as a part of a compound verbal modal predicate).
3. The first thing, wrote Adam Tinworth, an insightful blogger, last week, is to recognise the real nature of the war in which journalists are now involved. (to recognize – NPA, infinitive as anattribute.)

1 комментарий:

  1. Hi Vlad! :)
    Thank you for your post! The articles you have chosen have rather intresting titles. Could you please attach links to them so that we could read these articles?
