четверг, 16 февраля 2017 г.

Infinitives used in real life :)

Good morning, everyone😊 I believe these 3 articles to be interesting...or at least informative😋

New Zealand warns of exploding whale carcasses after mass stranding  


1....popping the dead animals "like balloons", to avoid them exploding ... (NPA infinitive as adverbial modifier of purpose)

2.  Hundreds of rescuers managed to save around 400 pilot whales (NPA infinitive as object after the notional verb to manage)

3... urged the public to call them ...(NPA infinitive as object after the notional verb to urge)

4. Workers in protective clothing would spend(1) the day cutting holes in the whale carcasses, "like popping balloons" with knives and two metre (six feet) needles, to release (2)internal gases... ( 1- bare infinitive  as  a part of compound verbal modal predicate; 2- NPA infinitive as adverbial modifier of purpose)

5. It would take (1) several months for the bodies to decompose (2) and turn (3) into skeletons. (1- bare infinitive  as a part of compound verbal modal predicate; 2,3 - the for-to-infinitive construction)

Justin Trudeau: I won't lecture Trump over refugee ban

1. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said he will not lecture President Donald Trump (bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

2. "The last thing Canadians expect is for me to come down and lecture (1)another country on how they choose to govern,(2)" ( 1- the for-to-infinitive construction;  2- NPA as object)

3. ...saying he wanted "to have(1) a big beautiful, open door", but that "we cannot let(2) the wrong people in". (1- NPA as object, 2- bare infinitive  as a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

4. the issue of refugees appeared to overshadow the joint news conference. (NPA infinitive as part of complex subject)

5. Justin Trudeau had a fine line to walk on Monday...(NPA infinitive as attribute)

6. The prime minister can travel back to Ottawa ... (bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

7.What those tweaks might entail (1) is still to be revealed(2), but you could almost hear (3)anxious Canadian businesspeople breathing a sigh of relief. (1- bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate; 2 - NPP infinitive as predicative; 3- bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

8. ...how far Mr Trudeau was willing to go (1) preserve (2) those vital trade ties. (1- infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate;  2 -NPA as object)

9. Mr Trudeau refused to bite (1) when the press repeatedly baited him to criticise (2)his host on thorny issues like immigration...(1,2- NPA as object)

 10. The prime minister added that Canada continues to "pursue (1)our policies of openness" without compromising security and would serve (2) as a "positive example in the world". (1- NPA infinitive as a part of compound verbal aspect predicate; 2- bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

11. has said his country will welcome those fleeing persecution and war. (bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

12. This is a delicate situation here I don't think it would help anyone in this country if ...( bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

13. The two men, however, emphasised their commitment to provide growth and jobs for people on both sides of the northern border. (NPA infinitive as attribute)

14. "We will co-ordinate (1)closely to protect(2) jobs in our hemisphere and to keep (3) wealth in our continent," (1- bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate; 2,3 - NPA infinitive as  an adverbial modifier of purpose)

15. The US president's pledge to renegotiate  free trade deal Nafta has reportedly unsettled Canadian officials... (NPA infinitive as attribute )

16. Ivanka Trump...helped secure female executives to participate and set the agenda for the meeting.  (NPA infinitive as complex object)

17. The joint task force may help allay tensions over some of the protectionist measures... (bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

18. It was a cold that Seidu Mohammed and Razak Iyal could barely comprehend. (bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

19. On Christmas Eve, they found themselves struggling through a waist-deep field of snow in a rash night-time bid to sneak across the Canada-US border.( NPA infinitive as an adverbial modifier of purpose)

20. They had heard through a network of other refugees and African expats that if they could get into Canada... (bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

21. They could not reach (1) the phones in their pockets to dial (2)9-1-1 as planned. (1- bare infinitive as  a part of compound verbal modal predicate; 2- NPA infinitive as an adverbial modifier of purpose)

 Sound of crickets 'could become a thing of the past'

1. If we don't act (1) now the sound of crickets could become (2) a thing of the past, said the IUCN. (1- bare infinitive as a part of simple verbal predicate; 2- bare infinitive as  a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

2. They are an important food source for birds and reptiles, and their decline could affect entire ecosystems. ( bare infinitive as  a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

3. Jean-Christophe Vié, deputy director, IUCN Global Species Programme, said to bring (1) these species back from the brink of extinction, more needs to be done (2) to protect (3)and restore (4)their habitats (1- NPA infinitive as object; 2- NPP infinitive as object; 3,4 - NPA infinitive as an adverbial modifier of purpose)

4. This can be done through sustainable grassland management using traditional agricultural practices, for example," (NPP infinitive as  a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

5. ... we will lose diversity (bare infinitive as a part of compound verbal modal predicate)

6. The report recommends the setting up of a monitoring programme across Europe to obtain information on population trends. (NPA infinitive as an adverbial modifier of purpose)

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