воскресенье, 26 февраля 2017 г.

Do you ever live in the moment?

Good evening, everyone! I didn't know what to write about and then just decided to share some thoughts with you.

I have heard a very interesting saying recently. "Do you ever live in the moment?"

These simple but nevertheless extremely accurate words have made me think a lot. I have asked myself whether I have ever enjoyed the moment itself without worrying about the present, about any problems or what I'm going to do in a month, a week, an hour or even a minute.

The answer really surprised me. 

We tend to be absorbed by our daily routine and very often forget that life is too short to waste every precious second. The idea of ignoring some important things that are expected from you may seem rather absurd, but ask yourself how often you do what you really want. 

We are doing our best to make success, to achieve something but in the end we are often dissatisfied with life we actually choose ourselves. We are discontent with our own choices, with our lack of courage, with chances we miss thinking that it's not that essential. 

I don't think a person should give up studying or working at once or think only about oneself. But you should agree that giving yourself little freedom might be useful. 

You don't feel like going to the party? Then don't do it. You would like to go camping? Find a way to do it. Stop waiting for appropriate opportunities as they will never come.

Life is full of difficulties we face every day. But by concentrating on negative moments you will never notice some tiny moments that make life amazing. How about seizing an opportunity right now?

There's still a chance of making life better.  



1 комментарий:

  1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.You're absolutely right! Acting is better than waiting for an opportunity ��
    The gerunds I have found in your post:
    ...without worrying about the present... - adverbial modifier of manner
    The idea of ignoring - attribute
    ...chances we miss thinking ... - object
    ...a person should give up studying or working... -a part of a compound verbal aspect predicate
    ...giving yourself little freedom might be useful -subject
    you don't feel like going - predicative
    ...stop waiting for... - a part of a compound verbal aspect predicate
    ...by concentrating on negative moments... - adverbial modifier of manner
    How about seizing an opportunity... - predicate
    ...a chance of making life better - attribute
