суббота, 18 февраля 2017 г.

Good evening, everyone! It was much more difficult to find gerunds in the articles than infinitives, but I made my best. I hope you'll enjoy the articles I've chosen. :) 

You're never alone at the Museum of Broken relationships full article

1. I hate throwing perfectly functional items in landfills... - NPA 
2. But she was surprised that it's become a family destination for parents looking for ways to talk about love with their teenage children. - NPA 
3. Two artists opened the Croatian museum after breaking up and deciding to curate the debris from their relationship.- NPA 

Is Sweden's feminist agenda working? full article

1. ...when he banned funding for groups that support abortion. - NPA 
2. This week, it received widespread condemnation after a trade visit to Iran, for instructing female officials to comply with Iran's headscarf law. - NPA 
3. Last year, a report by a coalition of civil society and women's organisations condemned Sweden's continuing arms exports to countries that violate women's rights. - NPA  (gerundial phrase)
4. And she says it has been slow to move against sexist advertising, despite pre-election promises. - NPA

EU citizens 'denied residency documents' full article

1. The Home Office said securing the status of EU migrants was a priority. - NPA 
2. He said he had been refused a residency document because he had spent time studying in the UK without paying for health insurance. - NPA
3....and Switzerland the right to live permanently in the UK, without having to prove they bought insurance. - NPA
4. A Home Office spokesman said EU citizens made a vital contribution and securing their status - and those of British nationals elsewhere in the EU - was a priority. - NPA
5. ...that exercising Treaty rights includes a requirement to have comprehensive sickness insurance and sufficient resources to not become a burden on the social assistance system of the United Kingdom. - NPA

1 комментарий:

  1. Ksenia, the article about the museum of broken relationships touched my heart. This place is a sad one because each item there symbolizes a love story without a happy ending, and yet there is something great about this place because true love stands behind every single item displayed there.
